Your Remote Pharmacy Staffing Supports Solution

✔ 24- Hour Pharmacy Order Processing
✔ After Hours Coverage
✔ Personnel Shortage Coverage

Pharamacist Improving the practice of Healthcare.

Who We Are
Medistar Healthcare Connections

Welcome to MediStar, where comprehensive Remote Order Entry (ROE) services; teamwork; flexibility and excellent customer service contribute to enhance the efficacy of patient care. Our team of highly experienced pharmacists shares in our commitment to your ROE needs. We are here to help your organization achieve their goal.

MediStar Healthcare Connections Corporation is a leader in the business operation of Remote Hospital Pharmacy Order Entry. As a leader and pioneer in the Remote Order Entry services, the company specializes in providing comprehensive remote pharmacy order processing (pharmacy staffing) for hospitals.

The MediStar ROE concept addresses the issue of patient safety as it relates to the increasing incidence and costs of medication errors, efficient utilization of automated medication dispensing system, optimization of electronic medical records and the costs associated with 24hrs of staffing Pharmacists traditionally, especially for small and mid-sized hospitals.

As the roles of professional hospital pharmacists cannot be undermined due to costs in the continuum of patient care and safety, MediStar services provide the needed solution in the challenging efforts hospital administrators are making to balance patient safety and expected fiscal responsibility. Obviously, MediStar service model is well designed and is provided cost effectively.

Learn More About Medistar HC
Who We Are
Medistar Healthcare Connections Corp

Attn: Eugene Okonkwo
3770 N 7th Street, Suite 200
Phoenix, AZ 85014

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